Join The Slow Fashion Revolution

CONTACT YOUNG COMPANY’S Theatrical Fashion Show 'Hand Me Down' is taking over Castlefield Viaduct this July
Colin Petch
June 1, 2023

Contact Young Company (CYC) and Castlefield Viaduct are joining forces to present 'Hand Me Down' ; the Viaduct’s first-ever theatre event, and a show that explores the worlds of fashion and sustainability.

On 27th July 2023, the stage will be set at Castlefield Viaduct, providing a unique backdrop for this transformative experience. Audiences are invited to dress in their oldest and most loved clothing, showcasing the power of personal style and the emotional connection we have to our wardrobes. Each garment tells a story, and Hand Me Down seeks to celebrate these narratives, encouraging a shift away from the throwaway culture that dominates the fashion industry.

Castlefield Viaduct
Castlefield Viaduct

Keisha Thompson, Artistic Director and CEO of Contact, said: "It’s a joy to join forces with Castlefield Viaduct on Contact Young Company’s latest creative endeavour. Together, we will weave a tapestry of stories, emotions, and experiences, showcasing the immense power of young voices and their ability to challenge, inspire, and ignite change. Hand Me Down promises to be a remarkable exploration of intergenerational connections, resilience, and the enduring legacy we inherit. I can't wait to experience the magic that unfolds on stage and witness the profound impact it will have on our audiences".

This collaboration between CYC and Castlefield Viaduct - produced by Megan Griffith - is a milestone in both artistic expression and sustainability advocacy. It is a call to action, reminding us that our fashion choices have the power to shape a better future for our planet and communities. Having previously presented shows in unexpected spaces - from museums to skateparks - Contact Young Company are thrilled to once again be taking their work outside of the traditional theatre setting.  

Kate Picker, Operations and Experience Manager at Castlefield Viaduct, said: “We’re excited to be working with Contact Young Company for the Viaduct’s first theatre performance. The themes of sustainability and how young people can ignite change across the generations and encourage action towards protecting nature are important to everyone. We are looking forward to showcasing this talented group and their inspiring message.”

In a world where only 1% of clothing is recycled, CYC and Castlefield Viaduct are determined to foster a sustainable future and inspire the next generation of conscious consumers. Hand Me Down is a step towards creating a dialogue around ethical fashion choices and encouraging individuals to make a positive impact through their wardrobe decisions.

Mag North will be catching up with the inspirational young people behind this vitally important project soon - and we'll also be at Castlefield on 27th July - in our favourite vintage cardigan and tie dyed shalwar trousers. Please say hello if you're there!

Tickets are priced from £5-£10. For further information and to secure your tickets for Hand Me Down, please CLICK HERE

CYC Images - Fotocad

Catlefield Image - National Trust