Artist Bridget Bailey: Immersive Art Inspired By Nature

Artist Bridget Bailey explores her immersive approach to capturing the awe and wonder of nature in her contribution to the Birds on the Edge project.

The Book Of Manchester: A Quiet Reflection On A Loud City


New anthology spotlights Manchester’s finest writers

Creating, Connecting And Caring


Living Woods CIC host massively important Hexham conference during Tree Week

The Power Of Pollination


University of York academic helps to bring the world of bees to life in major exhibition

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Stockton's Community Hub Goes On Wheels

From crime to cookery and everything in between, there is something for everyone in the mobile library

One Month Down, Seven More To Go…


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Filmakers For Change Film Festival


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New study reveals pharmaceuticals are polluting England's National Parks

Important information from University of York - ahead of your next 'wild swim'

Creating, Connecting And Caring


Living Woods CIC host massively important Hexham conference during Tree Week

The Power Of Pollination


University of York academic helps to bring the world of bees to life in major exhibition

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Arts For Palestine

The Manchester art scene sees the people of Palestine, it hears them, it does not shy away from their suffering

The Book Of Manchester: A Quiet Reflection On A Loud City


New anthology spotlights Manchester’s finest writers

A Monday Night In Middlesbrough


Industrial Coast contine to redifine culture for Teesside audiences